Pie Crust and Easy Eggless Quiche

Recipe adapted from Nora Taylor of Nora Cooks

I have been on the hunt for a really excellent pie crust for both quiches and sweet pies. I finally found a winner. This recipe comes from the remarkable plant-based baker, Nora Taylor.


I mentioned Nora in my last post on scones. She has mastered the art of making plant-based baked goods taste and feel like the traditional versions. I don't know how she does this magic, but I am so grateful she shares her recipes with the rest of us!

This pie crust was a breeze to make in the food processor. The dough rolled out beautifully, it was super easy to work with, and it didn’t crack or split getting it into the pie plate.  

I chilled the dough for several hours and then blind baked using pie weights, as she recommended. The crust turned out perfectly.  

This crust would be terrific for sweet pies, and it was also great for our plant-based quiche.  

Super Simple Plant-Based Quiche

  • One pie crust

  • Approximately 2.5 to 3 cups of cooked veggies of your choosing

  • 1 container of Just Egg

  • Homemade Plant-Based Parmesan or Store-bought vegan cheese (optional)

The night before our brunch, I pre-baked the crust and sautéed veggies (I used mushrooms, peppers, green onion, and spinach). Make sure to taste your veggies and season them to your liking. You can use whatever veg you like best. I refrigerated the crust and the cooked veggies separately.

In the morning, I simply filled my pre-baked pie crust with the veggies, poured on a container of Just Egg, and topped the dish with vegan parmesan for a cheesy flavor.  www.theplantbasedvoyage.com/blog/vegan-parmesan
You could also top the quiche with plant-based cheese, if you preferred. 
I baked the quiche at 350 until set, which took approximately 45 minutes.

You can find Just Egg in the refrigerated section with the regular eggs. One container is the perfect amount for a single quiche. Just Egg isn’t something that I eat often, as it is definitely a processed food and it has oil high in its ingredient list, but for occasions when you need a terrific plant-based egg substitute, Just Egg is a great choice. It also makes fluffy and delightful scrambled eggs.

The quiche came out great, and you would be hard pressed to know it didn't contain egg.  There wasn't a single piece left come mid-day, everyone liked it so much.

Thank you for this terrific crust recipe, Nora! I will be using this one again and again!

I encourage you to check out her website for decadent desserts and food that is reminiscent of traditional favorites at www.noracooks.com.

Happy Eating!


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