Chocolate and Your Microbiome

The health benefits of chocolate have long been established. Chocolate is a powerful source of polyphenols and antioxidants. It contains iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. It has been shown to improve blood flow, reduce blood pressure, and lower the risk of heart disease. It reduces LDL cholesterol (the bad kind), and it has even been found to improve blood flow to the brain.

What has been less researched is the relationship between chocolate and the gut microbiome.  New research has just emerged suggesting that eating specific types of chocolate can improve microbiome status. A study published in the January, 2022 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that when subjects ate 30 grams (approximately half a bar) of 85% dark chocolate per day for three weeks, there were improvements in their gut microbiome diversity and in their subjective ratings of their mood. For those consuming 85% dark chocolate, increases were also seen in a microbe called Blautia obeum, which has been positively associated with improved mood. Conversely, Blautia obeum has been shown to be low in individuals with disorders such as autism and schizophrenia. 

Interestingly, no improvements in mood were seen in subjects who ate 70% dark chocolate. The researchers concluded that only chocolate with a higher cocoa content positively impacts mood status.   

"A species-rich microbiome is stable against invasion by exogenous pathogens, resulting in a resilient gut environment. Gut microbial diversity and composition are also associated with emotional well-being. For example, increased gut microbial diversity has been associated with higher positive emotions and a lower level of loneliness. In line with previous research, the current findings highlight that increased microbial diversity by dark chocolate consumption positively influences the emotional status of healthy adults."

Chocolate with higher cocoa content also has increased levels of flavonoids and antioxidants.  Given this, if you are going to give in to a chocolate craving, pick a bar with at least 85% cocoa content. You will be diversifying your gut microbiome, increasing your levels of mood improving Blautia obeum, boosting feelings of happiness, and improving your overall health. Of course, chocolate is also high in fat and sugar, so moderation is key. 

In the service of science, we did a taste comparison of several dark chocolate brands. 
All bars were free of animal products, and all were scrumptious.

The Equal Exchange Total Eclipse 92% bar was my personal favorite.
This bar was rated as, "Smooth, not bitter, very satisfying, and better for portion control."
Total fat 17 grams, total sugar 2 grams, in a 30 gram portion.

The Equal Exchange Extreme Dark 88% was a fan favorite with my family members.
Comments included, "This would be great for a ski trip. A good mix of fat and sweetness. Very similar to the Equal Exchange Total Eclipse in terms of mouth feel. Smoother in the mouth than the Endangered Species.”
Total fat 17 grams, total sugar 3 grams, in a 30 gram portion.

The Endangered Species 88% was also a fan favorite with my family.
It was found to be, “Peanut-Buttery in a good way. Sweeter than the equal exchange. This one has a nice bit of cocoa texture, for an interesting and more complex bite.”
Total fat 13 grams, total sugar 3 grams, in a 28 gram portion.

Chocolove Extreme 88%
This was the least favorite for all of us, but was still delicious.
”Fruity. The sweetest of all the bars. Less satisfying, so you'd likely need to eat more.”
Total fat 15 grams, total sugar 4 grams, in a 30 gram portion.

So, there you have it. Our little family has sacrificed for your edification. 😉
We strongly recommend Equal Exchange and Endangered Species Bars in 88% or 92% varieties. 

Next time you are having a chocolate craving and you find yourself in the chocolate aisle at the store, try a bar that is 85% or higher. That way, you can eat your chocolate without guilt, knowing you are improving your microbiome, increasing your mood, and positively impacting your overall health. 

Happy Eating!


Pico de Gallo


Pie Crust and Easy Eggless Quiche