
Selenium is an essential mineral, meaning we must obtain it from our diets. We only need small amounts, but a regular supply of selenium is critical for maintaining high metabolism and optimal thyroid function. Selenium is also a powerful antioxidant, and it can help prevent diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Selenium rich diets have also been shown to be protective against cognitive decline and to improve memory loss in people with Alzheimer’s. It plays an important role in immune function, helping to ward off viruses and other immune system assaults.  Selenium is also important for proper airway function, and it has been shown to be useful for breathing disorders, such as asthma.

Where do most people get their selenium?  Through eating animals. Oysters, halibut, tuna, chicken, and eggs are all excellent sources. But what if you don't eat animals? Where can plant-based eaters find selenium?  Shitake mushrooms and sunflower seeds have trace amounts, but the very best source of plant-based selenium is Brazil nuts. One single Brazil nut contains 174% of our needed daily selenium requirements.

Given this, I opt to eat a single Brazil nut most mornings with my coffee. If you don't care for Brazil nuts, you can always toss one into your blender when you are making a sauce or add one in with your other nuts when you are making pesto. You'll never taste it. Brazil nuts are also an excellent source of magnesium, copper, and zinc, and they are full of heart-heathy fats.

Of import, unlike some other essential minerals, too much selenium is NOT a good thing. Consuming high doses of selenium can be toxic and even fatal. If one nut is a good, it doesn't mean a handful is better. Indeed, most experts caution against any more than three Brazil nuts daily.   

Please refer to this article from the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements for details on recommended selenium ranges, risks, and medication interactions. As always, this is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your physician for advice regarding your personal selenium needs.

Happy eating!


Stocking a Plant-Based Kitchen - Condiments


How to Build a Plant-Centered Meal