How to Build a Plant-Centered Meal

There is a formula to making a plant-centered meal. When we combine six elements, we help to ensure that our meals have terrific flavor, that they are highly satiating and keep us full for hours, and that they provide optimal nutrition. Here are the reasons why each item is encouraged:

1. Starch

  • Healthy sources of starch are critical because they make our meals more satisfying to eat, they help to provide sustained energy release, and they are a preferred food for our helpful gut microbes (think soluble fiber and resistant starch). Options include tubers (potatoes and sweet potatoes), starchy veggies (corn on the cob, plantains, butternut squash, etc.), whole grains, and whole grain products.

2. Protein

  • Protein is important for cellular repair, growth, and optimal brain function. It is a critical building block of our bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and hair, and it is needed to maintain proper immune function.

3. Veggies and Fresh Fruit

  • These are a critical source of vitamins and phytonutrients, and their fibers are vital fuel for our healthy gut bugs. The more different varieties of veggies and fresh whole fruits in our diet, the greater our gut microbiome diversity.

4. Leafy Veg (leafy greens, cabbages, leafy herbs)

  • Packed with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, leafy vegetables help prevent against nearly all chronic diseases. Shoot for a minimum of 2 cups daily. Five cups daily is ideal. Any leafy vegetable will do, such as lettuces, kale, chard, spinach, cabbage, and fresh leafy herbs.

5. Flavor and Nutrition Boosters / Toppings

  • These not only taste delicious, they can also help to boost the protein count and overall nutrition of your meals. Examples of flavor boosters include nuts, seeds, dried fruit, spicy peppers, pickled ginger, cacao nibs, and kimchi.

6. A Great Nutrient-Dense Sauce or Dressing

  • A great plant-based sauce will not only taste amazing, it will also help to increase the nutritional quality and plant variety in your diet. I like to replace the oil in dressings and sauces with nuts, seeds, or legumes. This lowers the caloric density while increasing the fiber, antioxidants, and protein.

You do not need to be an entirely plant-based eater to use this meal formula. Even if you eat animal products as your source of protein, using these six categories to compose your meals will help to promote greater consumption of whole plant foods and encourage significant health gains. Plus, it just makes meals wonderfully delicious!

Wishing you abundant good health and happy eating!

