Stocking a Plant-Based Kitchen - Condiments

Stocking a Plant-Based Kitchen

Part 1 - Flavor Boosters and Condiments

I've had a lot of folks say that they would love to move toward a plant-filled lifestyle, but that don't know how to begin. So let's start with the basics. How do you stock your kitchen so that you will have the foods you need close at hand?

Because no one wants to just it eat plants if they don't taste delicious, I thought I would start with flavor boosters and condiments.

Here are my top plant-based flavor boosters and condiments:

  • Tahini - Look for a brand which has roasted sesame seeds as its only ingredient. Brands with raw sesame seeds won’t be as delicious.

  • Tamari or Soy Sauce – I use this in everything to up the umami flavor.

  • Hot Sauces and Jarred Peppers (Sriracha, Cholula, and Mama Lil’s are my favorites) – This is just a jumping off point. There are so many wonderful hot sauces and spicy peppers out there that you could spend a lifetime trying them all.

  • Mustards – I am partial to Beaufor’s Extra Strong Dijon Mustard, for the intensity of flavor. I also like tarragon and whole grain mustard. I use these as a base in vinaigrettes, in sauces, and to add flavor to plant-based burger patties.

  • Citrus – I buy the big bags of lemons and limes at Costco almost weekly. Citrus is a great source of Vitamin C, which will help keep you healthy and will increase the iron absorption of your other foods.

  • Maple Syrup – This is my preferred sweetener. Maple syrup is full of antioxidants, and its mellow flavor works well in sauces, dressings, and on my breakfast oats. Use sparingly.

  • Sweet Chili Sauce – If you don’t have time to make a homemade sauce for buddha bowls or rice paper rolls, this sauce will never let you down. There are many great brands. I use whichever I can find.

  • Peanut Butter – Peanut butter is a great flavor booster in soups (like African Peanut Stew), as a base for peanut sauce, or as an oil-replacement in baked goods like plant-based brownies. Look for one with only peanuts and salt.

  • Vinegars – I have a stockpile of vinegar varieties, but the ones I reach for most often are rice, sherry, apple cider (with the mother for gut health), and balsamic. An honorable mention goes out to Nonna Pia’s Balsamic Glaze, which is terrific as an easy salad dressing, as an addition to sauces, and on roasted veggies.

Happy Eating!


Banh Mi Noodle Bowls

