Lemongrass - Turmeric Sauce

Recipe by Danielle Lavallee

This Lemongrass-Turmeric Sauce has a delicious spicy peanut and lemongrass flavor, and it packs a serious nutritional punch from the combination of turmeric and black pepper. This sauce is delicious, nutrient-dense, and perfect for using on salads and grain bowls.  

 Special Equipment Needed: High-Speed Blender


  • 3 tablespoons roasted white sesame seeds

  • 1/4 cup peanut butter

  • 3 tablespoons tamari or soy sauce

  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar

  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup 

  • Juice of 2 small limes

  • 1 teaspoon sambal oelek (or sriracha), or more to taste

  • I fresh turmeric root, peeled*

  • 1 clove garlic, peeled

  • 1-3 stalks lemongrass, ends and outer layer removed, cut into ~3” sections

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • Several good grinds of black pepper, or more to taste

  • 2 tablespoons water (Add 1 tablespoon at a time, if needed to thin the sauce.)


  • Toast 3 tablespoons of white sesame seeds in a small non-stick skillet on medium heat.
    Shake the pan frequently until they are golden brown and popping. They burn easily, so don't leave them unattended.

  • Once the sesame seeds are golden brown, place them in a bowl and top them with the 1/4 cup of peanut butter. Stir these two ingredients together until the sesame seeds are fully incorporated into the peanut butter. This step ensures that your sauce with be smooth and creamy. Without it, your sesame seeds will fly all over the container of the high-speed blender and your sauce will be lumpy.

  • Put the peanut-sesame mixture into the bowl of your high-speed blender.

  • Add the remaining ingredients.

  • Blend until smooth. 

Health Benefits:

  • Turmeric, and its active compound curcumin, has been found to have powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In over 50 human clinical trials, it has been shown to be preventive against numerous diseases, including multiple forms of cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. Given its pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, and inflammatory bowel disease. It has also been proven to help speed recovery after surgery and to help relieve depression.

  • When eating turmeric, always add black pepper to your dish. The piperine in the black pepper will help to increase the absorption of the curcumin by up to 2000%. Moreover, piperine itself has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties. When these two ingredients are combined, they can lower systemic inflammation and significantly reduce arthritic pain and swelling.

  • Lemongrass is also a powerful healing herb with antioxidant and anti-microbial properties. It is great for digestion and bloating, it can help regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol, boost red blood cell production, block pain receptors, and even reduce the likelihood of cavities.  

When these ingredients are combined with the others in this sauce, like garlic and peanuts, you get a serious health boost with every delicious mouthful. 

*Important notes - Turmeric will stain your clothes, counters, cutting boards, and anything it touches. Be careful to wear an apron when cutting and peeling it, and be sure your blender lid is on tight. As turmeric is a natural blood thinner, individuals on Coumadin or other anticoagulants should consult with their physicians before consuming turmeric or curcumin.

For those of you not on blood thinners, consider adding this sauce into your dressing rotation. I think you'll enjoy it, and your health will definitely benefit!

Wishing you excellent health and happy eating!


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