Fiber Fueled

There is a lot of discussion about which macronutrient is most important, and which we should avoid. Everybody talks about the big three – Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrates. In our constant striving to be thinner and more fit, we count protein grams, we avoid carbohydrates, and we either go fat-free or eat fat in prolific abundance. In my own health and weight loss experience, none of this made a bit of long-term difference. And don't get me wrong, I've tried them all. I ate the fat-free chips in the 90s that were made from Olestra. I did Whole 30 and Paleo, giving up grains and other perfectly healthy complex carbohydrates. I tried Keto, which sent my histamine levels into the stratosphere and actually caused me to gain weight.  

It was only when I centered my diet around real whole plant food, that I began to heal and that my weight finally stabilized into the normal BMI range without effort. What was the magic healing property in plants that allowed this to occur? In addition to the abundant phytonutrients, it was likely the fourth macronutrient, the one that rarely gets press. It was likely the fiber. I don't mean the powdered kind that you can mix in water every morning. I mean the fiber contained in whole, unprocessed, plant foods. Whole food plant fiber makes your good gut bugs rejoice, it lowers your cholesterol, reduces your risk of heart disease, heals gut dysbiosis, reduces inflammation, lowers your cancer risk, improves cognition, and promotes weight loss. 

Instead of counting grams of fat or carbs, if we need to count at all, we should be tallying grams of fiber. The average American gets approximately 10 to 15 grams of fiber daily. The USDA's recommendations are that healthy adult women should get approximately 25 grams and men should have 38 grams a day. Clearly, most of us aren't even getting close to these benchmarks. But the cure isn't to stir in more powdered Metamucil. All fiber isn't created equal. The powdered varieties don't have the same positive effect on our guts and overall health. I'm sure you know by now what I'm going to say... The cure is to eat more plants.  

But don't take my word for it.  

I've referenced FIBER FUELED by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz (Dr. B) in several posts. It's time that Dr. B and his fiber manifesto get a proper shout out. Dr. B is a gastroenterologist with a passion for all things gut health and microbiome related. Fiber Fueled provides a scientific deep dive into why fiber is critical for our health and longevity. If you crave more scientific understanding of why we should be eating a plant-centered diet, I strongly encourage you to seek out Fiber Fueled. I have read it multiple times and continue to reach for it when questions arise. I also really enjoy listening to Dr. B on podcasts. He is funny, approachable, and down to earth.  

If you have a gut issue, struggle with food intolerance, IBS, heartburn, constipation, leaky gut, bloating, or any other issue impacting the GI tract, this book is your path forward. It is also an important read for all of us who simply want to optimize our health. Dr. B explains why plant-based fiber is so critical, and he makes a thoroughly compelling argument for the need to eat a broad array of fiber-filled, nutrient dense, whole plant foods. If you need more of a push to make the leap into plant-centered eating, I strongly encourage you check out Dr. B and Fiber Fueled. 

Wishing you a plant-filled day!


Plant-Based Parmesan


Lemongrass - Turmeric Sauce