Samosa Bowls with Mint Chutney

Recipe adapted from Vegan Richa

Tonight, we had samosa bowls based on a recipe by Vegan Richa. If you haven't yet found Vegan Richa, she is an amazing chef with hundreds of gorgeous plant-based recipes. I encourage you to give her a look.

I based our dinner on her samosa wraps with oil-free mint chutney.

Look at the color of this gorgeous mint chutney. It is spicy, herbaceous, beautiful, and all that a fabulous sauce should be. I intend to make it again and again.

Her spiced chickpeas were also amazing. I made them just as written and they were delightful.

And then, I got tired, and I took a shortcut with the samosa mix itself. Instead of using the spices she listed, I simply took slightly mashed Yukon gold potatoes, sprinkled them with this great Indian spice blend, and topped them with salt, lemon juice, and peas, as she recommended. They were still terrific, but a lot less work.

We put our samosa mix in bowls and topped it with the spicy chickpeas, mint chutney, and a store-bought sweet mango chutney.  I used this chutney from Trader Joe's, but any mango chutney you like would be great. The dish was quite spicy when combined, so having this bit of cooling sweetness was lovely.

I highly recommend Vegan Richa. Her website is a wonderful resource for plant-based recipes, with lovely photos and delicious flavor combinations.

I also encourage you to use shortcuts when you are tired or pressed for time. There is no cheating in plant-centered eating. Real whole plant food on your plate and in your belly is the point. When it’s delicious, as this dinner was, that’s even better!

Happy eating!


Lemongrass - Turmeric Sauce


Fermented Foods