But How Do You Get Enough Protein?

This is the question I am asked most often when I say I’m a plant-based eater.

To answer that question, let’s first talk protein needs. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein is .8 per kilogram of body weight /.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. You can you can just multiply .36 by your weight to get your approximate protein gram requirement per day, or you can use this online calculator from the Department of Agriculture, which takes into account your height, activity level, and age. www.nal.usda.gov/human-nutrition-and-food-safety/dri-calculator

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or a serious athlete, you are going to need more. You’ll likely need more if you are a growing kiddo, as well. For the rest of us typical grown-ups who move some but aren’t crazy in our muscle building needs, these calculations will provide us with our baseline protein needs. Obviously, please consult your physician for own personal needs. This is not intended as medical advice.

I need approximately 55 grams a day. Here are some delicious examples of how I get my protein:

  • Cup of canned black beans - 14 grams

  • Cup of canned garbanzos - 10 grams

  • Cup of cooked red lentils - 17 grams

  • Cup of cooked brown rice - 6 grams

  • Cup of cooked quinoa - 9 grams

  • Half a block of tofu - 24 grams

  • Cup of cooked edamame - 18 grams

  • 1 ounce of walnuts - 4 grams

  • 1 ounce of cashews - 5 grams

  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter - 8 grams

  • 2 tablespoons of hemp hearts - 6 grams

Sample Eating Day:
Breakfast - 1/2 cup of dry rolled oats, cooked in water & topped with blueberries, 2 TBS of ground flax seeds, 2 TBS of hemp hearts, an ounce of walnuts, and maple syrup + 1 Brazil nut for my daily selenium = 20 grams of protein.

Lunch - 1 cup cooked brown rice, 1 cup black beans, 1 cup frozen corn, cherry tomatoes, cilantro, and salsa, topped with 2 TBS roasted pepitas = 38 grams of protein.

Dinner - Rice paper rolls made with half a block of tofu, lots of veg, and mango, dipped in peanut sauce made from 2TBS peanut butter = 38 grams of protein.

Using chronometer (which is free and which I absolutely love), this day of eating reaches 96 grams of protein. This is a very typical day of eating for me, so I have no worries on the protein front.

I encourage you to use chronometer www.cronometer.com and to punch in a full day of your own eating. Not only will you see if you are getting enough protein, but you can also assess if you are meeting your daily vitamin and mineral needs. For me, it has been a very helpful in reassuring me that a plant-based diet gives me all the nutrition that I need.

Happy eating!



Spicy Tahini Sriracha Sauce


Oats & Avenanthramides