Oats & Avenanthramides

Oats contain Avenanthramides (AVAs), a unique protective substance not found in any other food. Avenanthramides are a group of phenolic acids that have powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Oxidative stress and inflammation play a critical role in the development of many of our common health problems, such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, and neurological disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Given that the AVAs in oats directly combat these issues, they can be a powerful tool in our health tool kit.   

AVAs have been shown to be particularly important for heart health. Both animal studies and human clinical trials have confirmed that the AVAs in oats have the potential of reducing cardiovascular risks by lowering serum cholesterol. They also reduce inflammation in heart tissue and relax blood vessels leading to lowered blood pressure.  

AVAs are also protective against cancer. They are considered to be anti-proliferative, meaning that they inhibit proliferation of certain cells. Research indicates that they can block the growth of human colon and breast cancer cells. 

For you athletes out there, the AVAs in oats have also been shown to reduce exercise-induced inflammation. Studies have found that chronic oat consumption lessened the inflammatory response to exercise stress, as well as mitigating muscle damage and reducing the pain sensation of sore muscles post exercise.

The pre-biotic fiber and AVAs in oats are also highly beneficial for our microbiome. The AVAs in oats have been shown to significantly increase the relative abundance of helpful gut microbes. These microbes, in turn, provide important postbiotic benefits, including lowering of cholesterol and improving metabolism.  

Given the powerful and unique properties of AVAs to improve heart health, to reduce the risk of both colon and breast cancer, to improve the gut microbiome, and to lower systemic inflammation and oxidative stress, we should all consider regularly adding oats into our diets.

Moreover, the powerful anti-inflammatory effects of AVAs aren't just of benefit inside the body. When applied topically, it is the AVAs in oats, which provide their well-established anti-itching and skin-soothing properties. In addition to being anti-allergenic and anti-histamine, AVAs are known to have anti-aging properties, and they can help to reduce wrinkles, plump skin, and restore our natural skin barrier. Given this, oats are widely used in cosmetics, eczema treatments, and anti-itch creams. AVAs extracts have also been used to treat asthma, atopic dermatitis, and other allergic disorders.  

Oats are amazing!


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