Tofu Tikka Masala

Recipe by Nisha Vora of Rainbow Plant Life

I recently made this delicious tofu tikka masala by Nisha at Rainbow Plant Life.

If you don't yet know Nisha, she is a wonderful resource for plant-predominant cooking. She is lovely and funny and so so charming. Plus, she's a seriously good cook, and her website is gorgeous. She has great videos of the process involved in making all her dishes, so it’s like a personal cooking tutorial every time you cook. I also love her cookbook, The Vegan Instant Pot, and I reach for it again and again. Seriously...go check her out.

This terrific tofu tikka masala recipe is one to make on the weekend when you have time to relax and enjoy cooking in a more leisurely fashion. The spices are unreal, and it's the closest I've come to making authentic tasting Indian food.

We like a lot of spice at our house, and we both found it to be deliciously spicy. If you are sensitive to heat, you might use less chilis or red pepper flakes.

This made a ton of leftovers with only two eaters. Lucky me! That’s lunch squared for several days. You know I love my leftovers! This recipe would be great for a larger family, or as an element of an Indian feast for a party.  

Give Nisha and her fabulous food a try.  You won't be disappointed.

 Happy Eating!



Cinnamon Rolls


How to Eat Plant-Based While Traveling