Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Postbiotics

Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Postbiotics.

What’s the difference?

The information contained in this post comes primarily from Fiber Fueled, by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz (Dr. B). As I mentioned previously, if you have a tummy problem, or really a healthy issue of any kind, this is an excellent resource.

PREBIOTICS are food for our healthy gut microbes. They are the compounds contained in the healthy whole plant foods which we consume that then feed our good gut bugs. Our main sources of prebiotics include soluble fiber (found in foods like flax seeds, whole grains, legumes, cruciferous veggies, fruit, and nuts) and resistant starch (found in foods like oats, rice, potatoes, and legumes).

PROBIOTICS are the good gut microbes. These are your tiny gut buddies, the ones you are seeking to feed with every plant-filled mouthful. You can visualize them as the tiny animal inhabitants in your lush microbiome rainforest. You want these babies to thrive, because without them you will feel terrible, both physically and mentally, and your health will suffer.

POSTBIOTICS are just a combination of prebiotics and probiotics. Technically, Dr. B says that they are, “a substrate that is selectively utilized by the host microorganisms conferring a health benefit.” What this means in plain English is that the good gut bugs (probiotics) eat the prebiotics (healthy plant foods) and give us health benefits (postbiotics).

What are these postbiotic health benefits?

  • Improved immune system function and reduced systemic inflammation

  • Reduced cancer risk

  • Protection from heart disease, stroke, and diabetes

  • Weight loss and obesity prevention

  • Improved cognition, reduced brain fog, and increased mental clarity

  • Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative disorders

Just to name a few…

So, how do we optimize our health? We eat whole plant foods which contain soluble fiber and resistant starch, which feed our good gut bugs, who then compensate us by giving us fabulous postbiotic benefits.

The greater the number of whole plant foods in your diet, the more diverse the microbe species in your gut rainforest, and the broader the postbiotic benefits.

You can see why I keep pushing the plants.

Your mama was right all along (as most mothers are). Eat your veggies (and fruits, legumes, whole grains, and nuts and seeds)!



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