Cilantro Crema

Recipe by Sylvia Fountain of Feasting at Home

This recipe comes from Feasting at Home. If you haven’t yet checked out Feasting at Home, I highly recommend you give her a look. Her veggie-centered cooking style is great for omnivores, vegetarians, and plant-based eaters alike. She puts out some seriously delicious food with gorgeous photography. I highly recommend her website if you are easing into plant-centered eating.

To make this cilantro crema oil-free, I simply left out the TBS of olive oil she called for. We didn’t miss it at all, but feel free to add it in if you prefer. I did include two large jalapenos, because we like it hot, but that’s just our personal desire to fully experience our tacos in spicy technicolor.

This sauce is delicious no matter the spice level you prefer. It also has the most gorgeous bright spring green color. Just looking at it makes me happy.

A Word on Silken Tofu:
For those of you who have not yet bonded with tofu or beans, this is an excellent entrée into eating more legumes. You will not taste the tofu in this recipe. Seriously. You can’t tell it’s there. We ate this fab sauce on potato and garbanzo tacos (recipe to follow). My omnivore hub loved it and said he wouldn’t change a thing about it. Even knowing my tofu predilection, he could not guess the secret ingredient. I promise you won’t taste it either.

Remember, we should all be eating beans daily. They are excellent protein, our good gut bugs love them, and they have a myriad of health benefits. This cilantro crema absolutely counts. Who knew you could spoon delicious sauce on your tacos and call it a legume serving! Silken tofu is magic!

Happy Eating!

Recipe update - This cilantro crema also works well with either firm or extra firm tofu, so you can use whatever you have on hand. You may just need to add a little more lime juice to thin the sauce, as needed. Cheers!


Wing-It Falafel Bowls


Potato and Garbanzo Tacos with Cilantro Crema