Mothering and Self-Care

I feel unbelievably blessed to have spent my life surrounded by so many amazing moms. From my own wonderful mother and grandmothers to my mother-in-law, aunties, cousins, and my amazing mommy friends, I have been incredibly fortunate to be mothered by you and to mother alongside you. You have taught me compassion, patience, grace under pressure, resilience, generosity, humor, sacrifice, and extreme fortitude. Together we have celebrated our children’s success, and we have held each other close when our babies struggled and when mothering was challenging. From you, I have learned how to truly celebrate the extreme joy that comes from growing another human. I'd be lost without all of you, and I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

Because I desperately want you to all be around for a good long time, I encourage you on this Mother's Day and every day, to take as excellent care of yourself as you have of your children.

I struggle with this, as most of us do. We put everyone else's needs first, and our health and well-being often come last on our very long to do lists. But this year, it can be different. We can make our health a priority because we deserve it, and because our families will be so grateful to have us with them in optimal health in the years and decades to come.

So, for this Mother's Day, I wish you all excellent self-care.

  • I wish you healthy food, filled with color and abundant nutrients.

  • I wish you 7 or more hours of uninterrupted sleep a night (or at least occasionally).

  • I wish you time and energy to move your body in whatever way feels best.

  • I wish you sunshine on your face and a warm bath when you need it.

  • I wish you space to think, to reflect, and to plan for what your heart desires next.

  • I wish you solitude when you want it, and friends to laugh with when you desire company.

  • I wish you a family who will encourage you to make yourself a priority.

  • I wish you a steadfast dedication to care for your health as diligently and passionately as you care for your babies.           

Sending you all tons of love on this Mother's Day weekend.



Blueberry Scones

