Mango Chutney

Recipe by Richa Hingle of Vegan Richa

Last night, I made mango chutney for the first time. It was so easy and delicious, I wonder why I waited for so long? I followed Vegan Richa’s recipe in her new instant pot cookbook.

If you enjoy Indian food, I strongly encourage you to check out this amazing cookbook. Until then, I encourage you to try this recipe from her blog:,

I’m not sure why, but mine turned out a bit darker than hers? It still tasted amazing, though. I ended up adding in a little more vinegar and a bit more heat than she calls for, and I omitted the oil entirely. With all those big flavors, we didn’t miss the oil a bit.

We served it over deconstructed samosa bowls with mint and cilantro sauce, crispy garbanzos, and peas. It was so good. You can find the recipe for the samosa bowls here:

I thought we’d have enough chutney left for our Indian curry in a few days, but alas, only a tiny portion was left. It was that good!

If you are looking for a sweet, vinegary, gingery condiment for your dishes, this chutney is super quick and scrumptious. You can easily customize the spices to your own palate, and omitting the oil reduces the calories without compromising any of the flavor.

Happy Eating!


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