What Health Path are You On?

Health… such a boring word, but if you have had the lived experience of either being in poor health yourself or loving someone who is seriously ill, you will know that health really is our foundation. Without it, life becomes small and totally focused on what the body is experiencing. With it, the sky’s the limit. You can create whatever kind of life you would like when you are in excellent and abundant good health.

I don’t know about you, but in the past several years I have hit the “Oh my goodness I’m not getting any younger my parents are aging my body is falling apart and I’m running out of time to turn this shit around” life phase. Some call this middle age. For me, it was more like the GRAND AWAKENING. Where for a long time I could get by looking and feeling pretty good eating the Standard American Diet (SAD), my body then sent out some pretty straightforward messages that my eating habits were doing me no favors.

AKA rashes, hives, bloating to the size of an 8-month pregnancy, weight gain, fatty liver disease, cellulite, fatigue, GI issues, pre-diabetes, depression, high cholesterol, and generally feeling like crud warmed over nearly all the time.

For those of you dear dear friends out there who are also entering the GRAND AWAKENING life phase, this is your gentle reminder that we are, indeed, running out of time to get our health together. Gone are the years of high metabolism, muscle memory, good genes, and sheer dumb luck. Now, if we want to be healthy, we need to make a decision to ACTIVELY CREATE good health.

So what health path are you on? Are you zooming headlong into in some major health obstacles, as I was, or are you taking baby steps toward healing and wellness? Honest self-assessment, where are you on your health journey?

With love and encouragement.


The Basics


Edamame Peanut Salad