What Are Your Health Goals?

Most of us have had appearance goals our entire lives. We wanted to be thinner, have better skin, or have less cellulite. As we got older, we may have had fitness goals, like being more competitive at our chosen sport, running faster, lifting heavier weights, or even getting in our 10,000 steps a day.

Until we get sick, most of us don’t think about our health goals. When I was unwell, I just wanted to feel better and to be symptom free. If you are struggling with a health issue, this might be you? Or perhaps, you just hope to not get worse?

Once I started to feel well again, I began thinking of what I wanted to be able to DO with my body, not so much fitness goals, but where did I want my body to be able to go? I like to travel and to see new things. I want to be able to be active when we go on our adventures - to hike the temples of Angkor Wat, snorkel in far flung oceans, and maybe ride a camel in Morocco. I want my body to be strong enough to take me to the places that I want to see.

And when I’m home, I want to be healthy enough to do work I enjoy and take care of my loved ones. After watching a close family member suffer with a terrible neurodegenerative disease, my goal is to stay healthy for as long as I can to care for my people (including providing physical care, if needed). I also don’t want to get a similar illness myself. I want to do everything in my power to avoid chronic disease. I may still get cancer, or heart disease, or Parkinson’s, but I want be able to say that I did everything under my control to try to avoid it.

So, what do you want your health to look like?

  • Which symptoms would you like to be free of?

  • What would you like your body to be able to do? (Do you want to scale mountains, play tag with your grandkids, ski at 70, join a pickleball league?)

  • Who do you have in your life that you need to stay healthy for?

  • What illnesses would you like to avoid?

I encourage you to get clear on your own personal health goals. Once you have a vivid picture of how you’d like your health to look, you can decide if you are willing to take baby steps to get there.

What do you want your body to do for you?


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