The Proof is in the Plants

When a subject interests me, I am a voracious consumer of content. I like to dive deep and to research the heck out of a topic, reading and listening to anything I can get my hands on. In my graduate work, I was trained to design clinical studies and to be able to interpret scientific literature. Often, if I hear about a new study of interest, I need to go and read it in its entirety on PubMed. I want the facts and I want a deep understanding of the subject I’m interested in.

I think that’s why I love Simon Hill’s work so much. Unlike some of the other plant-based authors out there who have a decided agenda, he explicitly states that he tries to present only the available scientific literature, and he does so in an unbiased and straightforward manner. His podcast, The Proof, is my absolute favorite, with interviews with many of the leaders in the fields of nutrition and health science. His interview questions are insightful, grounded in scientific understanding, and somehow always respectful and encouraging no matter the guest. I look forward to each podcast, as I always learn something new.

When his book, The Proof is in the Plants, finally arrived, I was over the moon and I had high expectations. He did not disappoint. This is a 400-page textbook on the scientific research behind the health benefits of plant-based eating. His stated goal is to describe a “diet of science,” or a way of eating for optimal health that is rooted not in fad diets or popular culture but in scientific study.

“With all the confusing misleading science - the pseudo experts, industry-funded studies and media frenzy - and all the distractions of the ads, shiny products and prominently placed ultra-processed foods, it’s easy to think there is no consensus when it comes to the optimal diet. But the science is actually quite clear, and it all points to the protective power of plants…My deep dive into the research has shown me that there is, in fact, a very solid foundation for adopting a diet centered on plants…When it comes to human health, the scientific literature makes it stunningly clear that the best diet for us is one in which about 85% or more of our calories come from whole plant foods.”

If you want a deeper understanding of the science of how feeding your body directly impacts your health and the planet, this is the book for you. It’s not light reading, but it makes an undeniably compelling argument as to why eating plants is our best path forward for our own health, for global human health, and for planetary health.

I encourage you to check out Simon Hill and his terrific book and podcast. They are an indispensable resource for anyone wanting to learn more about the science of plant-centered eating.




30 Plants a Week