Sugar Snap Pea and Soba Noodle Salad

Recipe by Kathryn Taylor of Love Real Food

This beautiful and scrumptious salad comes from Cookie and Kate:

It includes all six plant-based bowl elements for optimal nutrition and microbiome health:

1. Starch – soba noodles

2. Protein – edamame (Fun fact - Edamame is a complete protein and contains all nine essential amino acids!)

3. Lots of Veg – carrots, bell pepper, and snow peas

4. Leafy Greens and Brassica – purple cabbage and cilantro

5. Flavor and Nutrition Boosters – sesame seeds

6. Tasty Plant-Based Dressing – Her terrific dressing even has miso for extra flavor and probiotic goodness.

The only changes I made to her recipe were to add in purple cabbage and yellow bell pepper to up the veg count. I omitted the peanut oil/olive oil in the dressing and we didn’t miss it a bit.

My whole family loved this one. I hope you will, too.

Thank you for another winner, Cookie and Kate!

Happy eating!


How To Go Plant-Based without Breaking the Bank


Black Bean Brownies