Start Small

Making big changes can feel daunting and overwhelming. For those of you who feel overwhelmed by the thought of making a big change to your eating habits, and believe me I’ve been there, I humbly encourage you to ponder if you could simply add one new fruit or one new vegetable to your plate this week. Could you pick a veggie that you’ve never tried, or buy a single piece of fruit that is unfamiliar? Major changes can start with tiny actions. Your first step doesn't have to be a big one.

So this week, maybe you could choose to try one new plant food as your goal? Perhaps you will buy a Japanese eggplant, or dragon fruit, or even a mango for the first time? Maybe you will try a Granadilla fruit like the one above? Maybe you will hate it? Maybe you will fall in love with the new food you try and it will be a plant that you can add to your weekly plant count?

Either way, I can’t wait to hear what you choose!

Happy eating!


Fruit Up!


Farro Salad with Maple Lemon Tahini Dressing