How Not to Die

My plant-based book recommendation for the week is HOW NOT TO DIE by Dr. Michael Greger. If you read only one book about the benefits of plant-centered eating, this should be it. Grounded in science and brimming with recent research, this book will give you your "why" for leaning toward a plant-centered lifestyle. 

Unlike most books about nutrition, the first half of How Not to Die goes through the major illnesses of our time, delineating each disease's pathogenesis, course, and how it is impacted by what we eat. Chapters have titles such as How Not to Die from Breast Cancer, How Not to Die from Heart Disease, and How Not to Die from Parkinson's Disease. He discusses the ways plant-centered eating is helpful for each disease, and he outlines our best course for avoiding each illness. As there are certain diseases in my family that I'd definitely like to avoid, I found these chapters to be particularly informative.

 In the second half of the book, he dives more deeply into what he considers to be the world's healthiest foods (beans, berries, other fruits, cruciferous vegetables, flax seeds, other nuts and seeds, herbs and spices, and whole grains). This is a fascinating look at why each of these food groups are critical for our health, and exactly which benefits we obtain by eating foods from each category. He rounds out his book with a discussion of health-promoting beverages and exercise.   

Dr. Greger has made it his life's mission to read and translate the relevant science relating to nutrition and health. His non-profit website www. is a veritable goldmine of scientific information on any nutrition topic that might interest you. All articles and videos are linked directly to the sited research studies of interest, so if you'd like a deeper dive into the science, it is all available at your fingertips.   

How Not to Die is my #1 top choice plant-based recommendation of all time. It is a manifesto on the healing power of plants. If you prefer to listen, it is also available on audiobook, and I found it at our local county library.

 Happy reading (or listening)!


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