New Beginnings

It's been a challenging few months. In addition to my mother's fall, hospitalization, and relocation to a new facility with a higher level of care, we also lost my beloved father-in-law. It's been a summer filled with care-giving, worry, and grief. These photos, taken exactly one year apart, show the magnitude of change for our little family.

I'd like to say that I've come out the other side feeling peaceful and triumphant. Mostly what I feel, though, is beat up, sad, and weary. Those of you who are also walking the path of long-term caregiving for loved ones with progressive illnesses will understand. It's a long, exhausting, and heartbreaking road. And grief, well, it just takes time.

Today was my first morning alone in my house in months, my big kids having just returned to college. As I was pondering my next steps, this lovely double rainbow appeared. It felt like a little message of hope and healing from heaven.

As summer fades, the kiddos return to new classrooms, and fall is on the horizon, it feels like we have a chance to start anew. We have the opportunity to embrace a new beginning, a time of hopeful renewal. 

  • What would you like to change this fall before we head into winter? 

  • What part of your life do you need to take in hand and to begin again?

  • How has your eating been this summer? 

  • Have you been able to get regular exercise, sleep, and time in nature?

For me, I have been able to maintain a plant-predominant eating style, even with all the upheaval. However, our reliance on processed and pre-made food has been much heavier than I would like. During the most challenging parts of the summer, we lived almost exclusively on avocado toast and deli food. When the dust settled and my daughter and I had a jaunt to Disneyland, we ate Mickey pretzels, dill pickles, frozen dole whip, and vegan shawarma breakfast sandwiches. These are all plant-based options, but clearly aren't optimal for health. 

This summer, we all did the best we could. Now, though, it's time to do better again.
It's time for a new beginning

I'd like to invite you to pick a goal for the fall and to join me in this time of renewal. 
What would a new beginning look like for you? 

Let's get back on track together. 

With love and solidarity,


Water-Rich Foods for Weight Loss


Omega-3 Rich Chocolate Granola