Keep it Simple

This is our first year of being empty-nesters, with our youngest having gone to college last fall. This means that this summer is also the first time our mostly grown children will return home for an extended period. I am thrilled that they are both coming home next week. I am also feeling a bit daunted by how I will feed four hungry adult eaters again, especially when one of those eaters is an athlete with a hearty appetite. Just the sheer volume of food needed is likely to more than double overnight, not to mention all the food prep and clean-up. Clearly, I need a plan.

The key to surviving is going to be to keep it simple. If you are new to plant-centered eating, this is also your path forward. Keeping your meals simple and predictable is my top suggestion for making this lifestyle easy and sustainable.

My plan for feeding my hungry brood is to rely on a simple weekly meal template. Iโ€™m sure there will be some variation as we socialize and travel (fingers crossed), and as in-season ingredients speak to me at the store, but this is the template that I will generally fall back on when meal planning each week. If you are struggling with what to make for dinner, you could easily adopt this weekly meal plan and eat quite happily and with abundant nutrients and plant variety.

  • Mondays - Buddha Bowl Night

  • Tuesdays - Tacos

  • Wednesdays - BBQ / Burger Night

  • Thursdays - Pasta or Noodle Bowl Night

  • Fridays - Rice Paper Rolls, Wraps, or Sushi Night

  • Saturday - Burrito Bowl Night

  • Sunday - Hearty Salad Night (This is when my son can cook himself a steak, if he desires.)

I will do a separate post on each of these meal categories, with ideas and links to simple summer recipes and sauces. In the winter, we would likely eat more soups and stews, but as summer is coming, I am going to keep things fresh, light, and super easy. We all want to spend more time outside and less time toiling in a hot kitchen.

If these specific meals arenโ€™t to your liking, pick seven meal types that you love instead. Making things easy and predictable will reduce your workload, lower your stress, remove the burden of meal planning, and make you more successful in achieving your long-term health goals. There is no shame in picking a handful of meals you love, mastering these, and eating them over and over again. To be successful, keep it simple.

Wishing you happy summer dreaming!


Lemony Asparagus Risotto


Baby Steps and Tiny Habits